Reserve controllers

Reserve controllers provide the processing of the main devices of the locomotive, which are necessary for its operation, in case the main controller and (or) BEL unit stop their operation.

All the commands are derived from the control switches with the help of «clean contact».

The contact pairs of the switcher provide the load current commutation up to 1,5 A, at the direct current voltage of 75V.

Контроллер машиниста резервный для тепловозов ТЭ10 Контроллер машиниста резервный для тепловозов  ТЭМ18 Контроллер машиниста резервный для тепловоза ТЭМ18

Application chart

Product name
Design # or code
Reserve controller
Reserve controller
2TE10MK, 3TE10MK
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