Guarantee maintenance
We created the Bureau of maintenance service to organize the works on guarantee maintenance of the products manufactured by LLC ‘RATEP-INNOVATSIYA’.
We provide the guarantee for the manufactured products for up to three years!
We guarantee the no-failure operation of the manufactured production for this period, and in case of the breakdown of the equipment the replacement of it.. If necessary, the specialists of our company can come to the places and sites of the equipment operation.
The system of the qualitative guarantee maintenance of production includes:
- The creation of the operational cooperation system with the plants – manufacturers of the rolling stock, locomotive depots, which use the locomotives with the equipment;
- The creation of the non-reduced stocks of the accessory equipment, the number and the structure of which is defined on the basis of the operational statistics;
- The permanent presence of our specialists at the locomotive depots (Ulan-Ude, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Bryansk, Yershov, Krasnodar, Orenburg, Penza, Komsomolsk-on- Amur, Omsk), that fact allows not to admit the down time of the rolling stock and guarantees the high quality of repair works;
- The guarantee of the high quality of the performed works according to the normative documents was reached due to the supplying of the company with the necessary technological equipment, testing aids, which allow making the manufacturing, assembly, tests and adjustment of devices and technical means.
LLC ‘RATEP-INNOVATSIYA’ taking into the account the value of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the manufacturer and the customer, pays special attention to the maintenance service of the manufactured products. The creation of the high-quality maintenance service is one of the company’s key tasks on the way to the successful cooperation of the partners.